Antique Red Mediterranean Coral and Silver Amulets Necklace from Yemen YMS4

$199.00 $264.00

This is an original antique choker necklace from Yemen. Its age is not known exactly, but it is likely from the early to mid-1900s.

The necklace is 18" long without the pendant, the pendant adds about 1.5" more. It is made of antique natural Mediterranean coral (not dyed), and carries 5 silver amulets. The amulets are with traditional dangles, and appear to be stylized hamsas, 35x16mm. The necklace has original stringing and a traditional simple S-hook.

The coral beads are about 4mm.

This traditional necklace is in its original form, typical for Yemenite silver and coral necklaces from the start of the last century.